Saturday, June 30, 2007

July 4 plans

So, what are you all doing for July 4?

In our family, we have ALWAYS gone to the Needham fireworks on July 3, and then the Newton fireworks on July 4. Every year I say we're not going to do both of them, but we do. We are evidentally creatures of habit. Or idiots. Whatever. The kids like to do both because they are so markedly different. Needham is white suburbia, where parents bring whole families and everyone knows everyone else, and everyone is white white white. There are a lot of dogs, too.

Newton, OTOH, brings a lot of people who don't live in Newton, or who don't want to deal with the Esplanade. There are the Boston Ballet School summer students in droves, they have kiddy rides so there are a ton of young families and adorable babies, and a GREAT band called the Zaichick Brothers, who can play ANYTHING, and do. Lots of people of color, lots of elderly, infirm, and everything else. It's a wonderful mix of people. And they have real bathrooms at the poolhouse, which is important to a port-a-potty hater like me.

But..... this year my kids want to go to the Esplanade. Oh my God, no. But they do. They are dying to go. Craig Fergeson, who is a family favorite, is going to be there, so my son is way psyched. The music is very good, they want to see the cannons, and they just think it's going to be excellent entertainment. I've tried to explain the hassle of it. Taking the T. Dealing with the traffic. The port-a-pottys. The crowds. The waiting. But they are adament. I do not want to go. I don't like crowds.

We'll see. Newton is so easy to deal with. Not too crowded. Great food trucks. Decent bathrooms. Sigh.

So, what are your plans?


karrie said...

Watching from the Cambridge side of the river, and getting there right before the fireworks begin.

I really cannot handle the all day esplanade thing anymore. It was fun once, but unless you have friends with a boat, it kind of sucks for reasons you have mentioned.

Ruth Dynamite said...

Going to Nantucket to do as little as possible.

Can't wait.

Happy 4th everyone!

Major Bedhead said...

It's my son's birthday on the 4th. He's going to be *gulp* 19. So we'll be having the annual cookout at his grandfather's house.

On the 3rd, I'm going to the Red Sox game. With a friend. WithOUT kids. YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

We were going to rent a camper and go camping, but hubby has to put some hours in for work, although he'll be home all wekk and we can go on some day trips.

I think we'll probably go to a BBQ, and we'll hit a fireworks display SOMEWHERE! We are still deciding where.

Have a great 4th, everyone!

Namito said...

I thought we might try out the Middleboro parade, which is the one I went to as a child. But with rain on the radar, we may just go to Newton for some toddler friendly activities.

Or maybe we'll just put on the puddle stompers and have some fun...

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

I'll be in Saint Paul, MinneSOH-DAH. Which, funny enough, will be much nicer than here, weather-wise. Oh yeah, hot and muggy. WhooHoo!

Anonymous said...

Guess where we're going on Tuesday. Yup. Needham. Sigh. They browbeated me into it. But I decided that if we HAVE to do the Esplanade, we're taking the Ride. They can drop us off and pick us up right there. At least we won't have to shlep all over creation trying to deal with the T.

I guess there is one good thing about being handicapped. Just one, though

Anonymous said...

Hey, guess what? Needham was a blast. First, and most important, they opened the REAL bathrooms this year, so no portapotties for me! This makes the evening for me. I was so happy. Plus the fireworks were pretty dang good, and my kids were fun. We had a great time.

I posted about it if you want to see the pics.