Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ready for Something Sweet?

My family and I recently had the pleasure of visiting a local farm for our annual blueberry picking extravaganza. Oh. My. Goodness. There isn't many things better than being outside in the summer sun, picking and eating blueberries. And to watch my 3 little kids chowing down the sweet treats was even sweeter!

The farm we now flock to every summer is March Farms in in Bethlehem, CT. Not only do they have wonderful fruit for the picking every year, but they also have great vegetables, baked goods, spices (the basil is a must have!), dressings and syrups that'll knock your tastebuds out! Visitors can also enjoy a new playscape next to the blueberry bushes, a barnyard of animals to pet and hayrides come fall. And don't forget Pumpkin picking! It's a special place that my hubby and I look forward to visiting each year with our children.

We left March Farms with a big boatful of fresh vegetables and too many blueberries! I've enjoyed baking all sorts of wonderful desserts this week - want a slice of my first ever blueberry pie?

If you are ever in Western CT, look up March Farms. It's a delicious place to visit!


  1. Oh, I'm dying to go blueberry picking (my two tiny bushes aren't going to cut it!). Your pie looks amazing! I can barely get the top crust to meet the bottom crust, nevermind getting all fancy with the lattice work!

  2. Yum! We've been meaning to bring the girls blueberry picking but just haven't made it yet.

  3. We have a blueberry farm down the road from us. I keep wanting to take the kids, but I'm not sure I'm up to wrangling both of them by myself.

    That pie looks gooooooood.

  4. I was JUST telling my husband today that I want to go blueberry picking before school starts (he's a teacher). Unfortunately, I Yahoo-mapped March Farms and it's 2 1/2 hours from us... I think there are a few a bit closer. In any case, yes, I DO want a piece of that blueberry pie!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  5. OK. This settles it. We're going blueberry picking!
