Monday, August 13, 2007

Pick 'Em While They're Hot

Just a quick recommendation.

My children and I picked a VAT of blueberries yesterday at Dzen (pronounced "zen") Blueberry Farm in S. Windsor, Connecticut. The bushes are literally bursting with berries, even though it's now considered the tail end of the season.

If you're looking for a fun activity that's quintessentially New England in flavor, consider hitting a local farm and picking blueberries (or whatever!) to your heart's content.

1 comment:

  1. We just did this last week (on Saturday) and it was great. I took only the girls last year, but this year, I had all three. My son mostly ate the blueberries, but the girls are great helpers! There is nothing like fresh blueberries (except for maybe fresh raspberries which we hope to pick this weekend!)
