Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Husband's Going to Grad School, and All I Got is This Lousy T-Shirt

In a few short weeks, life as I know it will change radically. That is because my husband will begin a two-year MBA program.

I will be able to kid myself at first. After all, he is usually gone to work before 6am and home after 6pm, so those hours of the day are almost always mine, mine, mine. I may not bring home the bacon, but can I fry it in a pan? Check. Can I keep three kids, ages 3, 4 & 6, happy and entertained? Check. Can I keep the house clean, laundry done, plants watered? Check (sort of). Can I homeschool our oldest for first grade? Check (although I worry for my sanity at about this point).

But, I know that the day will come when. . . he has a big test, the kids have the stomach flu, my mom can't come over, the refrigerator is empty, the laundry pile is huge; and I will sob big salty tears for those days when "daddy" could take over for a few hours. And I'll know that I had it really good back then.


  1. Oh. Wow. You are a brave woman. Stay strong! And healthy!

  2. I would definitely be in a bit of a panic mode, too. But you'll be a champ! Congrats to your hubby!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  3. You'll be great. My friend just finished his MBA at Babson last year. He loved it. Congratulations to your hubby!

  4. Good luck to you! I am sure you will work it out--things have a way of doing that even when they involved vomit, dirty underwear, and tears. And think, in 2 years...2 years...2'll be your turn. Maybe. Right? :)

  5. Good luck! hopefully, the time will fly. I remember when my dh was in grad school, but it was easier because it was pre-kids. You have the blogosphere, should you need to vent!

  6. Eek! Good luck. THis might actually be a really fun time. Who knows?

  7. My husband will be going that route eventually too...although there are no immediate plans. It's kind of a necessary evil if he wants to climb the management ladder. I try not to think about it too much, though. I'm very good at putting things off like that :) You'll have to let us know how it goes. Best of luck on the worthwhile endeavor!

  8. Congratulations to the husband!

    You can do this. If you ever need to vent, let me know. Believe me I'll understand.

    And between you and me...some laundry can just wait.

  9. Two years is really only 102 Saturdays. For some reason that seems really short to me.

  10. Bless your heart. I understand. It will be a similiar year at our house. M. M. generally works a 55 hour week, plus he is finishing his masters this year. I am in college full time. Thankfully my oldest can drive and get the other two home from sports practice...that's a big help.

    Two words for you, Rotating Schedule. Plan it and stick to it. It's the only way I survive. I have a date book and I schedule in all my blocks of time. Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 pm I clean the bathrooms. Wednesday afternoons are blocked for errands or appointments...I plan ahead, if I am going to the post office to mail packages it will be Wednesday. Sundays I make up the weeks menus and shopping lists for the recipe ingredients. Mondays I do the grocery shopping. Certain hours are for laundry, not blogging, or e-mail, or magazine reading. Laundry. It may seem extreme, but seriously I would drown if I didn't. When I first started doing that I was amazed at how much I could accomplish and how much time I had been squandering before.

  11. Ughh I sort of know what thats like. Husband went through his last schooling (for work) when our oldest was young. We thought he would be going through upgrade school (2 years) this summer, but that didn't happen - long story - so that means he's a shoo-in for the next class in about 18 months. But by then the girls should all be in school. The downfall is thats when I was planning on going back to school.

    And just remember - kids like chores :P And well, housework doesn't always have to be done on time. And when your sick - well thats when you just let things be and focus on recovering. I have spent many a days either sick myself with little ones or nursing them when their sick. Husband will help when he cans but there are days when he just can't take off of school.

  12. You are a brave woman!! I'll be waiting to see how all goes!
    Great photo... Babson is a great school!
    Yeah for your husband!
    - Audrey

  13. You'll do great! Keep your sanity somehow (blogging?) and remember that the time will pass quicker than you think.

  14. Love the title of your post - and Mary Alice, I seriously need to get with your program!

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