Monday, August 27, 2007


BTS. Back to School.

Are you ready? As much as I enjoyed this summer break, our first as this was our first year having a school age child, I am ready for it to be over. The kids were great this summer, much better than I expected. There were less fights and less arguing then there was during school, but we're just ready to be back. The girls are getting bored and I think they miss their friends.

Yesterday we threw a end of summer - back to school BBQ with a few friends from school. It was nice. Everyone brought a dish, the kids played and the parents talked. I think it was the first time Husband actually got to sit down with other parents. We littered the back yard with school supplies and sent the kids on a scavenger hunt - which they loved! The weather cooperated. We were so worried with the reports of rain and thunderstorms, but in the end, aside fro ma few sprinkles right at the beginning, it was gorgeous. We couldn't have asked for a better day!

Today had us running and doing last minute school errands.

Haircuts for two - check
New soccer cleats - check
Lunch money for the first few days - check
Last visit with old friends who will not be at same school - check

All we need now is the backpack from L.L Bean to arrive. Note the time next to the delivery date? I hope not!

Oh and the school uniforms. We are still waiting on the short sleeve shirts for the formal uniform. The one's I ordered back in March. Only to pull out of the closet last week and realize that the collar is wrong. A call to customer service and not only did they allow me to return them for a full refund, they would send me the news one's right away. But then. They only had L and XL. For Einey - my XS first grader. And of course, this was the ONE time I didn't have a list of items I needed to order from ON. But wait, I can pick them up at a store near by. Oh wait, the closest store that has them in stock is Billerica? Um where is that? Luck was in my favor though as I was able to call the store and not only did they have the four shirts I needed in the color and size I needed, but they let me place my order over the phone. Hopefully I'll be lucky and will receive my order before school starts. If not, she can always wear the "summer" uniform. There is always that option.

2 more days and the summer break is over for us. Are you ready?


  1. 1) I LOVE the School Supply Hunt idea!

    2) Also, I love LL Bean backpacks. We got them for our 2nd grader and kindergartner last year, and they still look brand new for this year.

  2. I always found that I wasn't actually prepared for school until like 2 weeks after school started!

    My city goes back to school tomorrow, but my husband's school system (he's a teacher, not a student!) doesn't start until next Wednesday. I'm going to miss him!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  3. School supply scavenger hunt -- excellent.

    I am so ready. I secretly hate summer.

    That is, I'm ready for my husband to get back to work (he's a prof) -- not so ready to send my eldest off to kindergarten. Sniffle!

  4. I just ordered another group of books for our homeschool, so NO, I'm not ready!!! At least I don't have to worry about lunch money or bus routes. That may send me over the edge.

  5. We don't do the bus routes either. The girls go to private school so they'd have to take a bus from their school to the public school and then start they're ride home. It's easier for me to drop them off and pick them up as the school is right around the corner from us. It also gives me the motivation to make sure I am up and ready for the day!

  6. No. I mean yes. Actually, what this means is that the playground will be MUCH quieter. This is a good thing.

    I'll be able to obsess about school for my child in the relative calm of the sandboxes.
